Author Biographies

The epitome of “The Odd Couple”. The guy from Brooklyn, and the country boy from the swamps of the South. Opposites by nature but drawn together by their desire to help those who are hurting.

On the pages herein you will be introduced to the authors of Crucial Moments; Sister Mary, The Baker, The Barber and the Bricklayer; Transition Man; and others to come. Both men are highly educated and experienced, excelling in their chosen careers, and dedicated to their work. More importantly, Dr Mitchell and Mr Visnovske are compassionate and caring human beings. Beneath all of the degrees and certification, behind the titles and awards, are hearts that have witnessed disaster. They have seen the broken and bleeding, and the souls that are left in the darkest wells of despair. Using their God given gifts to understand and guide others out of the darkness has become a driving force to do more. Researching, studying, teaching, writing, and putting their teachings into practice in service of others.

After diving in to the books, you will read how Josey uses symbols and tactile sensory objects as “Lucky Charms” to aide in traumatic situations. Here, he puts his own teaching into practice.